Catherine Tsilionis
The Hyperactive Mind
unfinished tasks, Mixed Media, 54 x 60 inches
Artist Statement
“As a person with ADHD, I often get overwhelmed by sounds, sights, and my own intrusive thoughts. I often abandon tasks as I fail to multitask and am unable to concentrate. Amidst the sensory overload, the knee-tapping, the distractions, and unfinished tasks that are products of ADHD, creating artwork is one of the very few things that keeps me consistently engaged. In this series of works, The Hyperactive Mind, I explore my relationship with ADHD through abstract artworks that visually convey the sensations of the condition. While recognizing that each person that has ADHD has a unique experience, these works address my experiences with sensory overload, hyperfocusing, distraction, anxiety, and overwhelming feelings. I focused on exploring surface and texture by combining media to create complex, dynamic surfaces with shifting focal points in order to embody the distracted mind. The contrast between negative and positive space, chaos and stillness, and the overwhelming versus the quiet, which are all reflective of my experiences, is exhibited throughout this series. This block of work has had an emphasis on process and the collection of materials such as tissue paper, glitter, notes, fabric, and more, to visually embody my experiences and the complexity of my emotions. Using these materials and applying them in a strategic way allows an opportunity for neurotypical viewers to gain insight into the mind of a non-neurotypical person, and to potentially recognize commonalities between us.”
Artist Talk
Catherine Tsilionis talks about her artwork in the Externalized exhibition at the Julio Fine Arts Gallery on April 30, 2021.
Catherine Tsilionis
About the artist
Catherine Tsilionis has been a passionate and committed artist ever since Kindergarten where she won numerous artistic awards. She continues to develop her ideas and techniques in her most recent body of work The Hyperactive Mind. In this series, she confronts her own experiences with ADHD and develops rich, textured surfaces to embody her reality. Because Catherine is a Studio Arts and Digital Media Interdisciplinary major, she finds enjoyment working in a variety of mediums, such as charcoal, chalk pastel, acrylic paint, mixed media, graphic design, and more. She has typically worked representationally with themes of the body, femininity, and nature, but has always been fascinated by abstraction, which is what inspired her to create this series in mixed media.
Aside from creating and experimenting in art, Catherine is also involved in other activities that fuel her, such as being the Editor-in-Chief and Design Editor for Corridors Literary Art Magazine, the Graphic Design Intern for Loyola Campus Ministry, and doing her own freelance design work. She has shown her work in the 2019 and 2020 Julio Fine Arts Gallery Student Exhibitions and is looking forward to finding her next opportunity.