Siobhan McGeever
Baltimore, Mixed Media
Artist Statement
The inspiration for this this series was the kids I babysat over the summer. I want to capture the innocent mentality possessed by these children which was enhanced by the Adolescent Development psychology course I studied. These artworks delve into my personal reflection on the stages of life. Within these compositions the aesthetic of a portal/bubble memory is present, with the objective of presenting what the specific age range depicted is primarily fixated on. By fixation I mean the places a person tends to go to, their larger extended network they are involved in and how that affects an individual’s perspective.
I instilled a variety of mediums to capture the reflective bubble reflective aesthetic which builds on the general depiction each piece encapsulates, the reflection of life. The mediums used for these pieces are acrylic paint, resin, pastel combined with digital images created with Procreate layered on top of a glass, and Modge Podge. The processes of analog and digital are significant in capturing how we process our modern-day memories through an online database. Technology is so accessible because it elevates artistic freedom to illustrate variations in an analog composition. I was able to accomplish this by playing with the opacity for a more bubble-like affect while depicting an almost cartoon camera aesthetic. This collage procedure bridges the essence of a person’s self-reflection to a tangible visual of how we retrieve our memories. To build upon the visual depiction I chose colors, and a variety of patterns/images to make the background coincide with the person’s identity. In the first piece the child’s perspective is demonstrated with a tree in the background to hint at the fact that individual is at the start of their life. These are their roots to their life, which from an adolescent development perspective is so essential to how the child will cognitively grow. As an artist I envision memory retrieval as a disorganized yet chronological loop of different aspects of our lives layered on top of one another while we continuously grow.
Siobhan McGeever
About the Artist
Siobhan McGeever is currently enrolled as a student, majoring in Communications with specialization in Digital Media plus a minor in Studio Arts. She is looking forward to graduating with Loyola University’s class of 2023, and to further experiment with my skill set of Adobe, Solidworks, and Visual studio code Software.
Her inspiration to pursue a career in art and graphic design stems from her family. Everyone on her mother’s side is artistically inclined, so she grew up watching all of them execute projects in graphics, carpentry, and painting, which necessarily motivates her to do the same.